Saturday, August 30, 2008


Have you ever sat up, knowing that you needed to do certain things, or get some things done, but for some reason, just not do them because mentally you don't feel like it, or your mind and body don't let you? Well that is where I am now. Though I admit, writing this blog is helping me out by expelling the feelings, and in fact will probably drive me to do 2-4 pages of my sketchbook prep.

I hate that 'Block'. That is what I call it. I still have a lot of work to do, and I haven't drawn anything in days. I think I will get to sketching, and character designing before I hit the sack tonight. I just browsed the internet looking up things and info on book writing and publishing. It's scary man! I'm in the middle of writing two books, and I am doing them at my own pace. I'm at a point I think, where if I do not ever get published, I don't really care. Everything I do now for fun is just that; a passion, and for fun, and not profit. I am doing this art deal because I love it. But if for some reason I never see an idea on the shelf, or legions of fans fawning over me at a convention, it wont matter to me. It's all temporary anyway. So I'm just enjoying it right now, and loving it. There is nothing worse than hating the passion you have for something all because you do it to survive...

Be back later...

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