Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tutorial Tuesday: Drawing the Eye

Drawing the eye is something really simple for you to do. But only after studying and learning the fundamentals. This means examining the shape of the eye, the planes, the way the light hits the eyeball, and lids etc...

What I like to do is draw the lifelike version of a thing. After doing that, then I go ahead and study more to learn the simplicity of what I'm drawing. I feel that once you do that, you can be more efficient as an artist. This is especially true when drawing at conventions in an artist alley. You don't have the time to learn to draw the eye and try to get it right. You have to be able to look at something, get the overall shape, and then just move in and go for it.

So in this weeks tutorial, I have a very simple process for drawing the eye. You can apply this process to any eye shape that you come across or study. Again, be very careful to still do observation of the planes of the eye, and the over all shape of the eye. This is very important to catch the likeness. Once you get it, then you will be able to draw and recall from memory the best way to apply the drawing.

Follow the diagram I have created above to draw the eye that I made above, and then continue from there. Nothing is a better substitute than drawing from life or photos to get and understand the real anatomy of the eye. DO NOT TAKE SHORTCUTS! That will screw you over in the end. Take your time, learn, then simplify. Thats all for this week. Until next week.

Leave your questions or comments below!

Ian W.

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