Monday, January 17, 2011

Commissions for WonderCon 2011!!!

You all know the situation. I have just begun taking some special commissions for the mission and quest to get to WonderCon 2011! I need money for the table, supplies, products, food and lodging. I assume that all of this all together will cost around $500-$600. If there is a cheaper way to do this, then please I ask you to let me know. Right now though I am asking you for your help.

Commission Info
Please read the information and rules before sending me an email! Any commission requests that do not follow the rules WILL BE IGNORED!

Bust - $10
Sketch Card - $5
Additional Simple Color - $5

via PayPal ONLY sent to:

How I work

I will read your email containing a filled out version of the form below and get back to you accepting or not. If it is acccepted the payment must be made to via paypal including your DA name so I can identify you (As soon as the payment is made you will have a slot). After that I will proceed to sketching. The more info you put in the form below, the better the sketch will come out (that does not mean the life story of the character but reference links, etc) Once I accept and payment is received, I will send to you an approximate date for when the commission will be done, and when you should receive it in the mail.

I retain the rights to sell or reproduce the art. If you wish to use it for self-profit please note me.

How to request commission
Please send me a note called "commission" and copy/paste this form and fill it out.
Email: (Your email address)
Type of commission: ( fullbody , Half Body etc)
Characters: (references to characters)
Description: (describe how you want the character, in which pose, background..)

Thanks in advance everyone for helping me to work hard and achieve my dream!!!

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