What the!? Yeah that's it. This is the name of my official new U-Stream webshow that I am doing. You amazing people answered the call in two polls that I created on Deviant Art as to whether or not I should do a live webshow. You responded, and now it's happening.
The first episode will air on U-Stream this Friday night at 5:00 PST, or 8:00 EST! I have HUGE plans for this show, and I want everyone to take a part. First off, Sketchin It is a fully interactive show. During the show there will be "Guess who it is Contests", viewer contests, which is a randomly piced viewer watching that night who will get a free drawing, and I will be taking live commissions as well. Right now, I am reserving 2 slots for a $10 Head Sketch. There will be other commission slots available during the show as well. I will be doing commissions for folks that I have already done business with. For instance, I will be doing a sketch card commission for a client live. Hopefully this guy will show up so that he can see it being done!
Also, in regard to the interactive aspect of the show, there is one rule... EVERYONE MUST DRAW WHILE WATCHING ME!!! It's not mandatory exactly, but it makes you a part of the show, which is what I really want. It doesn't matter if you are a great artist, or what you may consider yourself to be a bad artist. I want EVERYONE drawing. Every week during my show, there will be an Art Jam theme. You cannot draw it before the show, and submit it. It has to be done DURING the show. I will be then asking you all to send a note of your deviation related to the Jam. I will then take the deviations, and compile them and create a weekly Jam collague! Now how sweet is that!? I think it's siack. So I hope this will entice ALL of you to join up. Oh yeah... and photographers can take a part in this too. This will mix it up and make it a bit different. Hehe. I have a theme in mind, and when the show begins, I will announce the theme, and you will all have to draw it, and submit the notes to my DA page after the show. This will be EVERY WEEK! So get your pencils ready.
In the future, I hope to have some guests appear and give some critiquing and advice on artwork. Every week i will do at least one or two commissions, or do some White Ninja Guy webcomic work. Whichever I feel like doing is what I will do. So be there guys! I can't wait!!! Friday November 6th 5:00 PST/8:00 EST Where to find it???? Here ----> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sketchin-it-w-ian-walker
I will be sure to put up another journal before the show starts and a daily countdown will begin my friends!!!