So... I went on this AMAZING website today called and spent some time there, putting up a few of my art pieces that consisted of my new style here. Talk about getting humbled. Turns out that the amazing art that I thought I had been putting out over the past few months is really... at a beginner level. Yeah, imagine my surprise! The thing about it, is that all of the statements and opinions of everyone there were backed up by analogies, and situations that described me to a tee! I am 27 years old, and have drawn since the age of 5. Over these past 10 years, I have been drawing off and on, and I have felt that over these past two years, my art has improved dramatically! But boy was I wrong. I was told from most of the artists there that my work was very "beginner level". They talked about values, and other things that quite frankly, I had never heard of. I basically taught myself to draw over the years. Took a few art classes in school, and read a lot of books, and tutorials from other artists, looked at TONS and TONS of comic books, and created this style that I now see is very rudimentary.
This site, and the amazing people on it literally made me step back and take a look at myself as an artist. I had realized that from a certain standpoint, I may be better than the average person, but in the realm of other artists, I have more than a lot to learn. I have never drawn from life for an extended amount of time; at least not enough to make it stick for me, and that is what I have decided to do. I am going to take a few steps back. Go back to the basics and start over again as if I am a brand new artist learning to draw for the first time. This is not to say that I am going to be stopping my art that I do now, like White Ninja Guy. That's not stopping. But as far as my other art things, I am going to be posting a lot less, and studying things in life a whole lot more. So beginning this year, you are going to be seeing a lot of changes, and some newer art. And I hope that it will be reflected in the newer art that I do.
I love this site, because it is a site that gives you legitimate critiquing of your skills as an artist. This is something that I have searched for over on Deviant Art, but have had no success in. was in reality a "kick in the face". It made me realize that I really wasn't as good as I thought I was, and that I really had some learning to do. I don't back down from a challenge, and thus have come to terms with my ability and have every intention in the world of changing it, and becoming the best artist that I can be. So here is to new beginnings... Literally.
Be back later...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
New Styles

I have been trying to do new forms of art for the past few weeks, and I have to say... EPIC FAIL FACE!!! I am trying to paint in a new way, to add to my artistic versatility as I want to be able to do all forms of art that appeal to me, and I am finding that I suck face. I am going to keep practicing, and I hope to get better, but sometimes, I just wish that I could get some 1 on 1 training to get it right. I have been doing tutorials and finding stuff on You Tube, and Deviant Art, and they have been a bit helpful. So I'm gonna keep up with the fight, and see where it takes me, you know? Someone out there seems to like my stuff. Both my fail pieces have been faved by at least 1 person, so it can't be TOO bad I guess. Anyways, here they are if you would like to check them out.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Original Battle Characters
So, I began participating in this thing on Deviant Art that is called Original Battle Character Zone. What it is, are artists that create these original characters and both artists do drawings of their characters defeating their opponents. Once the submissions are received, then a group of judges come together and judge each piece and chooses a winner based on creativity, skill, composition, and a host of other things. So I decided to enter my character, the one, the only, White Ninja Guy. It was a splash page battle where you had to make a splash page of your character beating your opponent. Here is what mine was...
I ended up winning the battle this time around, and got some great advice on how to make my entries better the next time around. What I like about the idea of all of this stuff, is that it doesn't matter if you are a great artist, or have good dialogue. It think you just need to be creative and original to win. I had fun doing it, and will most likely be doing it again in the future... So right now, I'm gonna start work on White Ninja Guy page three.
Be back in a bit...

Be back in a bit...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
White Ninja Guy - 2009
So, today I just made the new cover to White Ninja Guy: Battles. This is going to be the official first issue of the book, and I have decided to go forth with the storyline that I started. I am doing a lot of thinking as far as where I want the book to go, and hope to pull off the things that I had in mind. There are going to be a lot of battles that are going to have some familiar characters, and toward the end of the story, I will be introducing a new villain to the mix. Someone that will be a true nemesis for White Ninja Guy. I hope that I can pull off making this entertaining, and cool at the same time.

The cover here is the proposed cover that will be going up in January of 2009. Possibly by that time, I will be hosting the site on both and on my own personal art site. This cover might be changed, and then again, it might not be. But so far, I am liking it. So this is the beginning of what is going to be happening, and I have to admit, I am a bit excited. Can't wait!
Be back later...

The cover here is the proposed cover that will be going up in January of 2009. Possibly by that time, I will be hosting the site on both and on my own personal art site. This cover might be changed, and then again, it might not be. But so far, I am liking it. So this is the beginning of what is going to be happening, and I have to admit, I am a bit excited. Can't wait!
Be back later...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Looking forward...

Well, there is a lot going on with me right now. I'm sure you all that read this blog notice this, as I have not posted in a while. But right now, I am looking forward to what is in store for the future. I am going to be a freelance comic artist, so that I can have the freedom to do what I need to do, and what I like to do. I have decided to continue White Ninja Guy starting next year, and am deciding whether to take him in a whole new direction, or just continue with the story that is going on now with White Ninja Guy: Battles. I was going to join up with my best friend (brother) and his studio that he created called Masterminds Studios. But I decided to just take a step back and be a fan. The comic thing as a career doesn't appeal to me like it used to as it is such a hard career to get into, and again it doesn't give me the freedom that I want. I have been doing some art, and it has been fun. Rocket and Bounce here is some of my new work... Check out Cranky to see the comics yourself! Stellar ish! Anyways, catch you all later!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
White Ninja Guy
This is a formal announcement to those that I have finally put up the first page of my webcomic, White Ninja Guy. It can be found on
I hope you all take a visit, and enjoy the comic. Feel free to leave some comments if you would like, or even some ideas.
Be Back Later...
I hope you all take a visit, and enjoy the comic. Feel free to leave some comments if you would like, or even some ideas.
Be Back Later...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Testing... 1-2-3... Testing...
So... I found out how much of a dork face I am. Well at least to a certain extent. I had made a sample copy of my new sketchbook coming out at the end of September. It's funny how you miss certain things during the preparation of something you are so excited about. There are a few things in the book that need to be redone. I put a 'villain' in the book, I accidentally made the cover image too big, and there are some image problems. These are small fixes, but once changed and redone, I can say that I will be able to bring out the book in full swing. With any luck, I can start pre-orders for the sketchbook in the middle of the month.
Other than those small things, the book is great! Everything looks good, and now I know what the rest of you all will be getting soon. Once this sketchbook is completed, I will begin work on the White Ninja Guy web comic, and the Studio W website. That will then be one thing off of the check list!
Be back later...
Other than those small things, the book is great! Everything looks good, and now I know what the rest of you all will be getting soon. Once this sketchbook is completed, I will begin work on the White Ninja Guy web comic, and the Studio W website. That will then be one thing off of the check list!
Be back later...
Monday, September 1, 2008
September, September, So much to do in September!!!
This is the first day of September, and quite frankly, I'm stoked. I'm going to be going full board with my new projects. I will be working on White Ninja Guy, and getting this webpage up and going. Along with that, I am going to be finishing up the final touches on my sketchbook, and making a sample copy that I hope will work out great. If not, I still have a month to work all the bugs and fixes out of it, and make it look swanky for all of you guys.
On my Deviant Art site, I am running a contest. It's a drawing that I am doing that will allow the winner to get a feature on my site, as well as free commission from myself. I will pick out the name at the last day of the month. I might throw in a free sketchbook too as a prize. I think I might do that. Anyway, I got tons of work to do, and so little time!
Be back later...
On my Deviant Art site, I am running a contest. It's a drawing that I am doing that will allow the winner to get a feature on my site, as well as free commission from myself. I will pick out the name at the last day of the month. I might throw in a free sketchbook too as a prize. I think I might do that. Anyway, I got tons of work to do, and so little time!
Be back later...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Month in Review

So I put up the last pic of the month that I have done here. It is of Bane, one of the Bat-Villians. I had a lot of fun drawing and doing so many different things this month. I am almost a few pages done with putting together the sketchbook, and I can't wait to see how those will turn out.
I had a good time this month. It's only unfortunate that so many celebrities died this month, but other than that, it seems good. I am learning more everyday, and striving to perfect mine, and other art styles. I hope to learn much in the coming months. I have a lot to look forward to I think.
September is going to bring a lot of good things I think. Things in my personal life seem to be taking a turn for the better, and along with that, a lot of my favorite TV shows are coming back on. Can we say 'HEROES'? I can! Also as far as my art goes, my sketchbook will be getting released, and hopefully, I will have a functioning website to put up my new webcomics. I have a lot of work to do, but I look forward to it. I know I am up to the task, and will get a lot done.
Be back next month...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Have you ever sat up, knowing that you needed to do certain things, or get some things done, but for some reason, just not do them because mentally you don't feel like it, or your mind and body don't let you? Well that is where I am now. Though I admit, writing this blog is helping me out by expelling the feelings, and in fact will probably drive me to do 2-4 pages of my sketchbook prep.
I hate that 'Block'. That is what I call it. I still have a lot of work to do, and I haven't drawn anything in days. I think I will get to sketching, and character designing before I hit the sack tonight. I just browsed the internet looking up things and info on book writing and publishing. It's scary man! I'm in the middle of writing two books, and I am doing them at my own pace. I'm at a point I think, where if I do not ever get published, I don't really care. Everything I do now for fun is just that; a passion, and for fun, and not profit. I am doing this art deal because I love it. But if for some reason I never see an idea on the shelf, or legions of fans fawning over me at a convention, it wont matter to me. It's all temporary anyway. So I'm just enjoying it right now, and loving it. There is nothing worse than hating the passion you have for something all because you do it to survive...
Be back later...
I hate that 'Block'. That is what I call it. I still have a lot of work to do, and I haven't drawn anything in days. I think I will get to sketching, and character designing before I hit the sack tonight. I just browsed the internet looking up things and info on book writing and publishing. It's scary man! I'm in the middle of writing two books, and I am doing them at my own pace. I'm at a point I think, where if I do not ever get published, I don't really care. Everything I do now for fun is just that; a passion, and for fun, and not profit. I am doing this art deal because I love it. But if for some reason I never see an idea on the shelf, or legions of fans fawning over me at a convention, it wont matter to me. It's all temporary anyway. So I'm just enjoying it right now, and loving it. There is nothing worse than hating the passion you have for something all because you do it to survive...
Be back later...
Friday, August 29, 2008
So I have finally made the cover for my new sketchbook that I'm putting together right now. I made 2 concepts, and I am happy with the final one that I chose. I downloaded a 30 day trial of Photoshop CS3, so that means, i'm gonna take 30 days that I have and put together my White Ninja Guy webcomics, and try to finish up this sketchbook so that I can have it out by the end of the month. I also am gonna try to go ahead and color some pics that I have piled up that I want to get done too. So anyways, I wanted to get a blog done before the end of the month, and so here it is. Here is the image of the final choice for my new sketchbook.

I am thinking that this looks more sleek and professional. This is going to be the first of a few sketchbooks that I am going to be putting together. I hope that they sell. I am going to be making a total of 30 books, and I will be doing it print on demand. I don't want to have sketchbooks sitting up in my house collecting dust you know? Anyways, thanks for taking a look.
Be back later...
Be back later...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Siackness Part I
Friday, August 22, 2008
I hate cleaning with a passion. I don't know if my wife will resent me not helping her clean up our room. I really hope not though. You know the ironic part? I just started my own janitorial business. Now tell me that's not twisted! Anyway, that's not what I came here to talk to you guys about. I came here to talk about my art... The Art of Ian D.Walker.
I have been drawing for a few days now, and sketching my arse off just about. I just went to Target today, and picked up a copy of the new Batman: Gotham Knight DVD. I know, I know... I am late. I'm sorry, bad me! But you know what, it has put a new spark of inspiration into this heart here. I am still doing work on my webcomic that I am working on, and also trying to figure out STILL how to get a computer so that I can get to work on these, and get my sketchbook together. I have come up with some great characters for the Jaxxa book that is going to add some depth to the book, and the inspiration from the Batman movie has got some ideas flowing in my head for other characters as well.
So while all of that is going on, I think soon, I am going to start doing some art for myself, and selling the original art on eBay, so that I can start earning some cash for it toward a new computer so that we can get this beast going full steam ahead. So all of you that visit my Deviant site, to those that come and see my blog, I hope that you will all be able to help me out and support me. This road is gonna be awesome and bumpy. So far, the road is simply curvy.
Be back later...
I have been drawing for a few days now, and sketching my arse off just about. I just went to Target today, and picked up a copy of the new Batman: Gotham Knight DVD. I know, I know... I am late. I'm sorry, bad me! But you know what, it has put a new spark of inspiration into this heart here. I am still doing work on my webcomic that I am working on, and also trying to figure out STILL how to get a computer so that I can get to work on these, and get my sketchbook together. I have come up with some great characters for the Jaxxa book that is going to add some depth to the book, and the inspiration from the Batman movie has got some ideas flowing in my head for other characters as well.
So while all of that is going on, I think soon, I am going to start doing some art for myself, and selling the original art on eBay, so that I can start earning some cash for it toward a new computer so that we can get this beast going full steam ahead. So all of you that visit my Deviant site, to those that come and see my blog, I hope that you will all be able to help me out and support me. This road is gonna be awesome and bumpy. So far, the road is simply curvy.
Be back later...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Concepts
I have been sketching for 2 days straight, and I am starting to come along with ideas for my webcomic. The only obsticle that is still in the way, is the computer issue. Hopefully I will have money for that soon. In order to get my sketchbook done, I'm gonna need a computer with Photoshop on it. I need to find one, and soon.
I came up with another concept for a sketch for my Jaxxa comic. His name is Jason Ghost. He is an elite within the Epsilon Alpha Sector. He is a fully devoted, controlled and dangerous hitman/assassin. Anyways, I got a block right now as to what the cover of my new sketchbook should be. I'm gonna be thinking about that a bit more.
Be back later...
I came up with another concept for a sketch for my Jaxxa comic. His name is Jason Ghost. He is an elite within the Epsilon Alpha Sector. He is a fully devoted, controlled and dangerous hitman/assassin. Anyways, I got a block right now as to what the cover of my new sketchbook should be. I'm gonna be thinking about that a bit more.
Be back later...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Jaxxa & White Ninja Guy
So, I have been in a predicament for a very long time. That being that I do not have a computer that I can do my artwork on. I can write my blog, and scan in photos, but as far as doing my webcomic of White Ninja Guy, or my coloring stuff, that's a no-no. I got sooo much lineart to color right now, and I can't wait until I get some cash to buy the things I need to get my computer. I'm trying to do some commissions, but that isn't quite working out either. But I didn't come here to sulk, and make you guys feel sorry for me. I don't roll like that.
What I came here for was to let you guys know about my new webcomics that I am putting together. The first being White Ninja Guy.

He is the best ninja ever... Period... No questions asked. It's not in his head, he doesn't have an overinflated complex of superiority, he truly IS the best ninja EVER. You will find that he is quite an interesting character, and because of his ability, he thinks a lot of himself, and rightly so. I have two of the comics done so far, and what makes me mad, is that as soon as I was working on the third one, my computer clocked out on me. But as soon as that is up and operational again, I will be getting to work on that comic again.
The other comic project that I will be working on that is also going to be a webcomic is called Jaxxa - The Worlds Most Dangerous Hitmistress. I don't want to go too much into detail about this chick. The only thing is that she is sexy, exotic, and dangerous. Nuff said. Below is the concept art I worked on for the character. More will be made later as I am fleshing out the character and the story.

What I came here for was to let you guys know about my new webcomics that I am putting together. The first being White Ninja Guy.

He is the best ninja ever... Period... No questions asked. It's not in his head, he doesn't have an overinflated complex of superiority, he truly IS the best ninja EVER. You will find that he is quite an interesting character, and because of his ability, he thinks a lot of himself, and rightly so. I have two of the comics done so far, and what makes me mad, is that as soon as I was working on the third one, my computer clocked out on me. But as soon as that is up and operational again, I will be getting to work on that comic again.
The other comic project that I will be working on that is also going to be a webcomic is called Jaxxa - The Worlds Most Dangerous Hitmistress. I don't want to go too much into detail about this chick. The only thing is that she is sexy, exotic, and dangerous. Nuff said. Below is the concept art I worked on for the character. More will be made later as I am fleshing out the character and the story.

So in the middle of doing all of this, I am still trying to improve on my art, which has been getting noticably better over the past few weeks, and it is starting to be something that I am proud of, and want to show off to people. So I hope that you guys are enjoying the art here so far. I am getting really excited about some possible projects that I will be doing in the future as well. Once all that is straightened out, I will let the people know.
Be back Later,
Darkmyster aka Ian W.
Be back Later,
Darkmyster aka Ian W.
Monday, August 18, 2008
My New Sketchbook
So I have finally finished up what I think will be the pieces that I will be putting into my new sketchbook come September of 08. The book is going to be full of my final sketches of characters from various comic book universes, and a few of my original characters. I am hoping that people buy it. It's only going to be $5, plus $2 shipping. So I think that's a decent price. It's 5.5x8.5, so it's not too big. I am trying to debate if I want to do a series of sketchbooks. Right now, the title I am going for is Black & White: Heroes a Darkmyster sketchbook.
I don't know if I want to use my real name, or my artist name of Darkmyster. I think I'm gonna use my real name since all my pieces are signed I.D.W. which are initials of my real name. Black & White: Heroes. An Ian D.Walker Sketchbook. I think I like that better.
I am going to work on the cover soon, and once that is done, I will need to get some cash, and get to printing. I was going to make 50 copies of this book, but I think that I am going to reduce the number of these books to 30 instead. 50 is a bit too ambitious for me, being a rookie artist trying to hit it out there in the mainstream. I'm gonna sell 10 on eBay, and then sell the other 20 over both my blog here and Deviant Art. When the cover is made, I am going to let the world see it. But to see what is in store, here is an image of the two page spread of Fathom that will be in the center pages of my new sketchbook.
Be Back Later!
I don't know if I want to use my real name, or my artist name of Darkmyster. I think I'm gonna use my real name since all my pieces are signed I.D.W. which are initials of my real name. Black & White: Heroes. An Ian D.Walker Sketchbook. I think I like that better.
I am going to work on the cover soon, and once that is done, I will need to get some cash, and get to printing. I was going to make 50 copies of this book, but I think that I am going to reduce the number of these books to 30 instead. 50 is a bit too ambitious for me, being a rookie artist trying to hit it out there in the mainstream. I'm gonna sell 10 on eBay, and then sell the other 20 over both my blog here and Deviant Art. When the cover is made, I am going to let the world see it. But to see what is in store, here is an image of the two page spread of Fathom that will be in the center pages of my new sketchbook.

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